Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hqrag2
Email: hqrag2@gmail.com
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herston_Quarter
Development Concerns
- Expansion of scope of redevelopment beyond the Children's Hospital
- Differences between original "Government" Master Plan and Developer Master Plan
- Historical isolation of Hospital from local community - site access and communication
Lack of consultation with adjoining land owners during preparation of the PDA Development Scheme
Inability to change land uses, layout and building heights in response to community concerns.
Poor urban design, in particular when viewed from the Northern aspect (Butterfield Street).
Development applications submitted to EDQ after Scheme approval are unlikely to be publicly notified.
Lack of supporting infrastructure.

The purpose of Herston Quarter Residents' Action Group is to ensure issues impacting Herston residents as a result of the HQ PDA development are identified and minimised. Our objective is not to stop the HQ development, but to improve the livability of the suburb and support the local community.
Development Issues
30 storey residential tower on hospital precinct land.
15 storey buildings overshadowing resident’s houses.
9+6 storey car park directly behind residential houses.
Loss of view corridors to Spanish buildings
Significant increase in traffic through Herston.
Increase in rat-running through local streets.
Increased pressure on off-street parking.
Higher flood risk to Butterfield Street roundabout.
Traffic impacts to be carried by local streets external to the Hospital grounds.
No upgrades to internal Hospital roads to provide direct access via Bowen Bridge Road.
No plans for traffic calming to Butterfield Street or other local streets.
Impact of buildings on helicopter flight paths resulting in concentration over residential houses.